Tartu laulu- ja tantsupidu 2024 logog

St. Mary’s Church concert “Rohkest õnnista”

Midweek during the Song and Dance Celebration is for beautiful and moving music at the song celebration church.  

A new work by composer Margo Kõlar, who was born in Tartu, will premiere: “Maarja missa Tarto keelen” (Mary’s Mass in the Tartu dialect). This piece was specially commissioned by the city of Tartu for the song celebration to highlight the significance of St. Mary’s Church in hosting the first song festival. The Mass is written in the Tartu dialect to explore the concept of an Estonian-language church service. An innovative feature of the Mass is the inclusion of the bagpipe alongside the organ and chimes, a rather novel addition to church music. 

Arvo Pärt’s “Te Deum” will also be performed, which speaks of the search for something elusive. Something long lost and yet to be found, something thought to be nonexistent, yet so real that it exists not only within us but also beyond our being. 

The concert will feature prominent groups, including the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra. Representing the city of Tartu will be the chamber choir Helü. 

Tickets from Piletilevi!

St. Mary’s Church concert “Rohkest õnnista” is part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 side programme. 

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